Category: Learning Activity 4

The Sensory Organs

Welcome to the Fascinating World of Sensory Organs!

Hi, curious mind! Have you ever wondered how you see a rainbow, listen to your favorite song, taste delicious food, or feel a soft blanket? This is all thanks to your sensory organs!

Your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin work together to help you explore and understand the world around you. These incredible organs send signals to your brain, allowing you to see colors, smell delicious foods, hear sounds, feel textures, and experience different tastes.

In this lesson, we will learn how each sensory organ works and why they are so important in our daily lives. Get ready to dive into the exciting world of senses!


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • Identify the five main sensory organs and their primary biological functions.
  • Explain how sensory organs send signals to the brain through receptors and neurons.
  • Describe real-life scenarios where multiple senses and the brain work together.
  • Demonstrate their understanding through a creative group task involving sensory biology.


Students or Teachers will use the following materials, tools, and equipment:

  • Interactive Slides (Google Slides or PowerPoint with embedded quizzes)
  • Short educational video: How Your Five Senses Work – FuseSchool
  • Reading Article: â€œSense Organs” – BYJU’S
  • Sensory Exploration Toolkit (optional in-person: smell jars, textured fabrics, sound samples)
  • Collaborative Tools (Jamboard, Padlet, or Google Docs for group projects)
  • Exit Ticket Form or Worksheet
  • Access to LMS or class site for sharing materials


Students will need to know the following before beginning this lesson:

Students will need to know:

  • The basic concept of body systems (especially the nervous system).
  • How to navigate online tools like slide presentations and collaboration boards.

Instructional Content #7: Reading Article — “Sense Organs” (BYJU’S)

This article gives a detailed, biology-based explanation of the five sensory organs. It explains how each sense organ contains specific receptors that detect stimuli and send signals to the brain. The article supports a science-based understanding appropriate for middle school.

What You’ll Learn

  • The biological structure and function of each sense organ
  • What types of receptors are used in each organ
  • How each organ helps us sense and respond to our environment

Instructions for Students

  • Click the link below to read the article
  • While reading, write down two biology facts that surprised you and one question you still have
  • Be prepared to share your notes during the class activity

🔗 Read the Article — “Sense Organs” from BYJU’S:

Instructional Content #8: Educational Video — “How Your Five Senses Work” (FuseSchool)

This animated video explains how your sensory organs contain specialized receptors that detect stimuli. It breaks down how sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell are processed by the nervous system and interpreted by the brain.

What You’ll Learn

  • How receptors detect sensory input in each organ
  • How the brain receives and processes sensory information
  • How different senses work together to help us survive and adapt

Instructions for Students

  • Watch the full video linked below
  • Take notes on three things that stood out to you
  • After watching, answer this reflection question: “Which sense would be the hardest for you to live without and why?”
  • Post your response in the class chat or write it in your journal

🔗 Watch the Video — “How Your Five Senses Work” (FuseSchool):

Learning Activity #4: Sensory Scenario Case Study and Group Discussion

Objective: In this learning activity, students will apply their understanding of the five senses and how the brain processes them by completing a group case study and participating in a class discussion. Using knowledge from the video and article, students will analyze how our senses help us navigate daily life, and what happens when one sense is reduced or lost.

Time: Approximately 30 minutes (group work and individual reflection)

Instructions for Students

Step 1: Read and Watch Before Beginning
To complete this activity, make sure you have reviewed both pieces of instructional content:

📘 Instructional Content 7: “Sense Organs” Article – BYJU’S
đŸŽ„ Instructional Content 8: “How Your Five Senses Work” – FuseSchool

Step 2: Join Your Group
Check your assigned group number or breakout room on the LMS. Each group will be assigned a real-life scenario to analyze:

  • Walking through a forest trail
  • Preparing a meal in a busy kitchen
  • Entering a loud school gym
  • Watching fireworks on Canada Day

Step 3: Open and Complete the Group Worksheet
Use the shared class document to guide your discussion and record your answers.

🔗 Open the Sensory Scenario Group Worksheet – Google Doc (teacher-provided)

Each group will answer the following:

  • Which five senses are involved in your scenario
  • What type of receptors are used in each organ (e.g., photoreceptors, chemoreceptors)
  • How each sense helps the person respond or stay safe
  • What would happen if one sense was removed (choose one to eliminate and explain)
  • What part of the brain may be processing this input (based on the video)
  • Be sure to include at least one detail or concept from the video or article in your discussion

Step 4: Class Reflection and Final Response
Once group time ends, return to the main discussion area. Each group will share one insight or surprising idea from their case study.

Then, complete this reflection question individually:

“Which sense do you think you rely on the most in your daily life, and why?”

🔗 Submit Your Response Here – Google Form (teacher-provided)

Assessment Criteria

Assessment AreaWhat We’re Looking For
Understanding of SensesClear identification and explanation of all five senses in the scenario
Application of KnowledgeAccurate references to content from the video or article
Critical ThinkingThoughtful and creative explanation of how losing one sense would change the scenario
Participation and ReflectionContributes to group work and submits individual response

Let’s Get Started
Open the group worksheet and begin analyzing how your senses work together in real-world situations. Be ready to share and reflect on what you’ve learned. Have fun and think deeply about how your body and brain work as a team!